News and events

FISH Thesauri Version 27 Released
July 02, 2024 Authors: Paul Adams
Candidate terms (terminology suggestions) are submitted to FISH all year round. Terms are processed and usually added to the FISH thesauri and authority files as and when they come in. Every year the thesauri are updated and uploaded to this website, here you can download the thesauri in CSV and PDF formats and at Heritage Data, a related website, you can access the terminologies in LOD format…

CAA 2020 Conference – 14th to 17th April 2020, Oxford
January 21, 2020 Authors: Data Standards Specialist
The 48th International Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference. For more details please visit:

Digital Past 2020 - New technologies in heritage, interpretation and outreach 12th & 13th February 2020, Aberystwyth
January 21, 2020 Authors: Data Standards Specialist
Digital Past is an annual two day conference organised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. It showcases innovative digital technologies and techniques for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of the heritage of Wales, the UK and beyond. For more information on the event, speakers and registration visit:…

New Consultation on Lithic Artefact Terminologies
October 18, 2019 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
The need to review the terminologies used for the recording and indexing of lithic artefacts has been highlighted in the recent HER enhancement projects for early prehistory. These found that ‘the current thesauri terms are not fit for purpose’ and have recommended that ‘a new list of lithic terminology should be developed and agreed by a panel of specialists and deployed ahead of further early…

FISH Session at 2018 CAA-UK conference videos now online
September 17, 2019 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
At last year’s Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology UK (CAAUK) conference held in Edinburgh we held a special FISH session highlighting some of the recent applied work based on or associated with information standards. The session outline is below and the videos are available online (along with a number of other excellent presentations covering a whole range of topics…

EAA Conference: Call for papers - Session 144 (closes 14 February 2019)
February 06, 2019 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
European Archaeological Association annual conference, Bern 4-7 September 2019. Session 144 Towards a Spatial Data Infrastructure for Archaeology Are we getting best value out of the spatial data we create? Help deliver value from the data you create at Session 144. Through the INSPIRE Directive (2007) public organisations across Europe are required to share environmentally-related spatial…

Conference: The 25th Annual Meeting of the EAA (Bern, 4-7 September 2019)
February 06, 2019 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
The 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) will take place from 4-7 September 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. The event will be organised by the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bern. Themes The Annual Meeting themes, as defined by the Scientific Committee, incorporate the diversity of EAA and the multidimensionality of archaeological practice…

Conference: EAC symposium 2019 (Dublin, 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2019)
December 14, 2018 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
The mission of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium (EAC) is to support the management of the archaeological heritage in Europe. The topic of the 20th Heritage Management Symposium will be ‘Archaeological sites and monuments in the care of the state - sharing our experiences'. The 20th Annual Meeting of the EAC will be held in Dublin Castle on 28 February - 2 March 2019. The event will be hosted…

Historic England: New advice and guidance documents issued (Dec 2018)
December 14, 2018 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
Historic England have issued a whole raft of new and updated advice and guidance documents on their website. Click here to go to the Latest Advice and Guidance page which now also includes an A to Z list of advice pdfs and a list of recently archived advice. Examples of guidance documents include five reissued archaeological science guidance documents and some short instructional video clips.

Publication: Historic England - Latest Advice and Guidance Catalogue (April 2017)
March 13, 2018 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
Historic England recently published (April 2018) a catalogue of their latest advice and guidance material covering a range of subjects areas. Examples include: Caring for Heritage Heritage crime Post-war public art Planning Environmental assessment Local listing Historic area assessments Technical - Archaeological Science Land contamination Organic residue Preserving archaeological remains…

Conference: Spatial Humanities 2018 (Lancaster, 20-21 Sept 2018)
February 16, 2018 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
Spatial Humanities 2018 - Call for Papers Where: Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK When: 20-21 September 2018 Deadline for Abstracts - 28th February 2018 Lancaster’s Digital Humanities Hub is hosting a Spatial Humanities 2018 conference in September 2018. The conference will explore what geospatial technologies such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have to contribute to humanities…

CIDOC Conference 2018 - Call for Papers
January 25, 2018 Authors: Digital Standards Unit
Call for Papers for the next ICOM-CIDOC Conference entitled The Provenance of Knowledge. Where and when: Heraklion, Crete, 29 September - 4 October 2018. Deadline for conference proposals (presentations, workshops and case studies): 28 February. Conference theme As an essential aspect of documentation, Provenance of Knowledge refers to the attempt to trace the origins of the information and…