E-Space Third International Conference (Berlin, 21-22 Nov 2016)

Published: August 17, 2016

Cultural Heritage: Reuse, Remake, Reimagine Berlin, (Germany), 21-22 November 2016 Venue: Hamburger Bahnhof Museum of Contemporary Art.

Digitization is progressing at Cultural Institutions, and previously hidden treasures of Cultural Heritage are becoming visible. However, in today’s digital society existing on the web is not enough. Audiences want to engage with culture, they want to create their own stories not just read the ones that exist, they want to integrate the information in their teaching, their creative projects, they want to play with the material, not only look at it: they want to reuse, they want to remake, they want to reimagine.

The third conference from the Europeana Space project will showcase the myriad ways that cultural heritage can be used and enriched through new technologies, innovation and the ingenuity of the creative industries.

Attendance is free. Click here for more information.


espace conference logo 2016
espace conference logo 2016

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