New Working Group for under-represented and intangible heritage

Published: August 31, 2013 Updated: October 20, 2023

A new Special Interest Group has been set up for Under-Represented and Intangible Heritage (URIH-SIG). Over the last few years various projects and seminars have explored ways in which heritage organizations can make their records more accessible to users interested in aspects of faith, gender, ethnicity, women, sexuality and intangible heritage (e.g. folklore, music, dance). To assist in the consistent indexing of records held by museums, libraries, archives and heritage organizations (the cultural heritage sector) a terminology working group is being established.

The group will focus on identifying existing terminologies and standardized vocabularies for use in recording diversity. Its main aims will be to encourage the use of, and access to, collections, archives and records systems and to develop guidance for the recording of objects relating to under-represented heritage. The Special Interest Group will report to FISH via the FISH Terminology Working Group (FISH-TWG).

Further information on intangible heritage can be found on the UNESCO website.


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