Other terminology resources

Published: March 27, 2017 Updated: October 20, 2023

Vocabularies produced by other organization and terminology for indexing intangible heritage

British Museum

Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)

Historic England

Historic Environment Scotland / Canmore

Getty Research Institute

Portable Antiquities Scheme

Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales

UK Data Service

US Library of Congress

Intangible Heritage

Examples of glossary resources for recording aspects of intangible cultural heritage. More than one resource may be linked to a subject term, e.g. see ‘War’.

Please let us know if you know of other glossaries that may help with indexing.

A display of three books propped by a piece of wood and a roller skate on either side. Intangible indexing terms could include e.g. leisure, memento, roller skates and display.
A display of three books propped by a piece of wood and a roller skate on either side. Intangible indexing terms could include e.g. leisure, memento, roller skates and display.