FISH Terminologies

Updated: July 02, 2024

This page presents the most current version of the FISH vocabularies in a number of formats; on this page you can also download the thesaurus table structure along with a list of the latest candidate terms added to our terminologies.

All the resources here are free to use and do not require FISH membership.


Thesauri last updated June 2024 (version 27)

All of the csv files, rdf/skos links below are current; however, due to an ongoing technical issue we have been unable to produce updated pdf versions of some of our terminologies for this release; those affected by this are:

  1. Archaeological Objects
  2. Components
  3. Historic Aircraft
  4. Monument Type
  5. Object Materials
  6. Resource Description (Thred).

Archaeological Objects Thesaurus

Originally developed by the Archaeological Objects Working Party and published by the MDA. It provides guidance for the recording of archaeological objects in Britain and Ireland covering all historical periods (e.g. corn dolly, cremation, cross). Now maintained by FISH on behalf of the heritage sector.

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Archaeological Sciences Thesaurus

Terminology used for recording the techniques, recovery methods and materials associated with archaeological sciences (e.g. tree-ring analysis, modification state, pathology). Maintained by Historic England on behalf of the FISH Terminology Working Group.

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data Linked Data - rdf/skos CSV

Building Materials Thesaurus

Terminology used for recording the main construction materials of monuments, buildings and structures relating to the built and buried heritage of the British Isles. Includes natural/animal and man-made material (e.g. cement mix, fossil, fibre-glass). Maintained by FISH on behalf of the heritage sector.

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Cargo Thesaurus

Thesaurus for types of cargo carried by vessels and aircraft on their final voyage (e.g. animal fodder, sugar, fuel). Maintained by Historic England on behalf of the FISH Terminology Working Group.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Climate Hazards Thesaurus

This vocabulary of climate change hazards, the potential negative climate events that may cause damage or loss, builds on the Climatic Impact-Drivers defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change creating a list of climate hazards for heritage.

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data Linked Data - rdf/skos Research Report

Components Thesaurus

Terminology covering divisions and structural elements of a building or monument. Includes terms that describe areas and spaces, decorative features, fixtures and fittings, machinery and implied features (e.g. post hole, cartouche, truss).

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Defence of Britain Thesaurus

Terminology relating to the Second World War defence of Britain. This resource is no longer actively maintained, all content can now be found in the FISH Monument Type Thesaurus.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Event Thesaurus

Use for recording archaeological events, e.g. architectural investigative, data collection exercises; from intrusive interventions into the resource to non-damaging survey events (e.g. grab sampling, auger survey, remote sensing).

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data Linked Data - rdf/skos CSV

Evidence Thesaurus

Terminology covering the existing physical remains of a monument, or the means by which a monument has been identified where no physical remains exist (e.g. placename evidence, soilmark, surface deposit).

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Farmstead Thesaurus

Thesaurus for indexing different types of farmsteads, related buildings, areas and layouts. This thesaurus does not contain any additional terminology than that held in Monument Type. Further information regarding national farm building types can be found here.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

First World War Thesaurus

For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK. This thesaurus was constructed for the First World War Home Front Project and does not contain any additional terminology than that held in Monument Type.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Heritage Crime Thesaurus

Thesaurus for indexing types of crime and incidents against heritage assets (e.g. graffiti, theft, unauthorized diving).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Historic Aircraft Thesaurus

Indexing terminology for the recording of aircraft remains and crash sites, listing aircraft types by form, function and manufacturer (e.g. Atlas, Target, Westland).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Historic Characterization Thesaurus

Thesaurus combining Historic Landscape and Historic Seascape Characterization terminology (e.g. reclaimed land, vineyard, dunes).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV Full text Linked Data - rdf/skos

Manner of Loss

A small authority file for indexing types of loss of vessels or aircraft (e.g. beached, lost, enemy action).

Alphabetical XLS Linked Data Linked Data - rdf/skos

Maritime Craft Thesaurus

Craft types which survive as wrecks for Historic England’s maritime record and can be used to describe types of ship (e.g. block ship, rescue vessel, net layer) .

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Maritime Fixtures and Fittings Thesaurus

Thesaurus of non-structural, movable items on vessels (e.g. lifting gear, deadeye, clenched nail).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Maritime Place Names Thesaurus

Thesaurus for indexing ports of destination and departure for maritime vessels, grouped by continent, island, water or unassigned (e.g. Isle of Man, Scapa Flow, Gulf of Bothnia).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Monument Types Thesaurus

Terminology relating to the built and buried heritage of the British Isles and used for recording sites, monuments, buildings and structures (e.g. beer cellar, macula, railway hotel).

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV

Class definitions

Nationality List

List of nationalities for indexing vessels and aircraft.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Object Materials Thesaurus

A thesaurus, originally developed to assist with the recording of materials for maritime wrecks but now used more generally for objects found in findspots. Please use the British Museum Thesaurus for museum objects.

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Periods List (superseded)

List of the main archaeological and cultural periods of Britain. May vary compared to other period lists, this one has been developed by Historic England (e.g. Mesolithic, Middle Iron Age, Jacobean). This list has now been superseded by the Historic England Periods List.


Historic England Periods List

Periods and centuries used in Historic England datasets.

Alphabetical Hierarchical Linked Data CSV View

Resource Description Thesaurus

Officially called English Heritage and National Trust Resource Description, also known as THRED. Terminology for the description of archive type and format, now updated by FISH (e.g. excavation report, newspaper article, video clip).

Alphabetical Hierarchical CSV

Threat Types List

Wordlist for different types of threats to heritage assets (e.g. coastal erosion, flooding, vandalism).



ALGAO Wordlists

On behalf of the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers (ALGAO), FISH also maintain a number of indexing wordlists specific to recording heritage asset management. Although some of the lists are very small, they provide controlled vocabulary for MIDAS units of information.

Consultation Outcome List

This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome. It is intended to provide the option to audit the effectiveness of recommendations made in response to proposed work or planning applications (e.g. agreed, followed, withdrawn).


Consultation Type

This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Type. The different contexts of consultations can be recorded, which in turn may determine the appropriate nature, method, procedure to be adopted by the inventory in response to the consultation (e.g. planning application, listed building consent, conservation area appraisal).


Event Type List

This list relates to the Event Type unit in MIDAS. It covers both investigative, data-gathering activities which involve a physical intervention in the site and survey events, ie those data-gathering events which do not have a damaging effect on the resource (e.g. field survey, soil samling, measured survey).


Final Outcome List

This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome. It is intended to provide the option to audit the effectiveness of archaeological recommendations made in response to proposed work or planning applications by recording the final result of the planning application (e.g. approved with full condition, refused, amended).


Work Proposed List

This list relates to the MIDAS Management Proposal Work Proposed unit of information. It will offer the opportunity to audit the consultations received by SMRs by broad categories recommended by ALGAO (e.g. building extension, dredging, road construction).


Example of a monument - a lighthouse: Whitford Point Lighthouse, Glamorganshire, 1865. © RCAHMW, 2006.
Example of a monument - a lighthouse: Whitford Point Lighthouse, Glamorganshire, 1865. © RCAHMW, 2006.

Example of a Scottish cross memorial, free-standing, in commemoration of HMS Vanguard, which sank in 1917 (Orkney).
Example of a Scottish cross memorial, free-standing, in commemoration of HMS Vanguard, which sank in 1917 (Orkney).

Terminologies from other organisations

Thesaurus Table Structure

The FISH thesaurus table structure is identical to Historic England's monuments inventory database. Below document is useful when importing FISH thesauri into your database.

Table structure

Thesaurus Updates

Every time we release a new version of the FISH thesauri, we also include a simple list of the new terms added. The document below contains terms added to Version 27, along with those considered for addition.

New terms list